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FIRE / Map of the ruins of Europa II

of QY Spleen

Original idea and direction / José Luis Arellano García

Second part of the tetralogy Map of the ruins of Europe -with which LaJoven reflects on the past, present and future idea of Europe-, FUEGO is a work located on the threshold of the Second World War, whose protagonists are young interwar Germans. At that time everything was possible for them. They had their hands on the wheel of history, just one turn away from changing everything forever. They were willing to give themselves to this mission, they just needed to be called. And they were. Something special was created for them: the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) for the boys, the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls) for the girls, and the next Germany began to take shape.

FIRE is a disc with two sides. Two stories that happen one night, in the heat of a bonfire. The first, starring four girls from the BDM, takes place at the Nuremberg Congress in 1934, the night after Hitler's speech to the 70,000 young people gathered there. The second, starring four boys from the Hitler Youth, takes place four years later, on the eve of the “Night of Broken Glass”. In both there are young people who do not know anything other than what they have been told. In both there is fear, hope and hate. In both the protagonists are young people who were willing to give the best of themselves but asked for the worst.

This is the drama of a manipulated youth, thrown directly into the fire.

Idea and direction:  José Luis Arellano García

Text:  QY Spleen

Scenography:  Silvia de Marta

Music:  Alberto Granados Reguilón

Lighting:  Jesús Díaz Cortés

Cast: Alejandro Chaparro, José Cobertera, Víctor de la Fuente, Jota Haya, María Valero, Cristina Varona, Marta Velilla and Luna Zuazu




  Duration: 1h 30 min
Language: Spanish
Recommended from 14 years
Logotipo INM en color.jpeg
 In collaboration with:
LogoAyuntamiento de Madrid Invertido.png

The cast of  Fire  

  Fuego  en LaNave (essay photographs by Ilde Sandrin)

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