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Foto promocional de la obra


by Irma Correa_ from Emilia Pardo Bazán

Direction_José Luis Arellano García

What is our landscape? What have we inherited from our parents?

From our grandparents? What is our heritage as individuals and as a society? Religion, political despotism, gender violence... or something deeper and more primitive that sinks vigorously and brutally into the ocean of time and that has shaped and guided us until now.


Inspired by Los pazos de Ulloa , by Emilia Pardo Bazán, the story is condensed in the hours that precede a rave and everything that happens during it. In an abandoned lot, Pedro, Tabo, Sabela, Jessy, Julián and Nucha will discover and go through what they have always feared: loneliness, abandonment, the fight against oneself, against others... The desperation of some human beings with the sole purpose of feeling loved on earth.

Author's Notes


Emilia Pardo Bazán writes Los pazos de Ulloa forty years after Emily Brönte wrote her Wuthering Heights . They both share the gloomy and sinister vision of a place far from the city where restrictive and alienating laws prevail that leads everyone who lives in it to act more like savages than like men. His acts, his behavior, revolve around an animality that shows virginal violence and aggressiveness. 

And this is where Nucha, the protagonist of this story, will receive one by one the bites of those hungry souls who fight to dominate in a territory that they consider to be their own and limited.  Nucha is not a woman "of character". In the same way that neither is the priest Julián. Both represent wonder and, ultimately, helplessness in the face of the wild. 

Rereading this fantastic and hard novel by Pardo Bazán, a cosmogony of characters has not stopped haunting me that, in one way or another, I find linked to our protagonist: Emma Bovary, Anna Karenina, Merçè Rodoreda's Colometa. Although in different shapes, textures and contexts, I find that all of them have had an inevitable tragic destiny impregnated in their blood from the beginning. 

In this proposal for Los pazos de Ulloa I want to tell, together with José Luis Arellano, the story of a 21st century woman subject to these animal and ancestral laws, who will fight to free herself from them in a moral, psychological and carnal combat. It will be a contemporary story. It will have names of its own. A new heartbeat, an atrocious roar. Because today, like yesterday, these laws that have the same roots as time continue to exist. 

But we are facing a change of era. And not only because the COVID-19 epidemic has collapsed all the pillars of our present, but because we are truly witnessing changes  of paradigms that link man with the awareness of his ancestral role, and many of them cry out, frightened and voracious, asking for a historic turn in our society. 


You have to tell new stories and break old ones. It is time to add to history all the slabs of our non-existence.

Irma Correa

Canal Theaters / Red Room April 2021
A co-production with the Community of Madrid
Duration: 1h 30 min
Language: Spanish
Recommended from 15 years



Irma Correa


Jose Luis Arellano Garcia



Alejandro Chaparro - Tabo

Victor de la Fuente - Julian

Alvaro Quintana - Pedro

Maria Romero - Nucha

Maria Valero - Sabela

Cristina Varona - Jessy

Scenery and costumes
Ikerne Giménez


David Picazo

video scene

Alvaro Moon

Music and sound space

Alberto Granados


Foto de escéna de la obra


Foto de escena de Ulloa
Foto de escena de la obra Ulloa
Foto de escena de la obra Ulloa
Foto de escena de la obra Ulloa

Rehearsing ULLOA 

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