_Playlist for a drifting continent
by Paco Gámez_ from Virgilio
Direction_José Luis Arellano García
For the first time, LaJoven and Teatro Circo Price join forces to create this show that brings together 20 young artists from the world of theatre, circus, music and dance on stage.
A poor settlement, on the edge of a Mediterranean city, has just been destroyed by a group of invaders shouting “We don't want you here. OUTSIDE!". A young man flees from the flames and his girlfriend refuses to accompany him, preferring to stay with the ashes of what was their home. If that neighborhood was called Troy and that boy, Aeneas; he would have to find his place in the world with the promise of a possible future.
Virgil used the Greek past to tell the present of his Rome. We dialogue with the Latin poem to tell the present of this complex Europe
and diffuse; arrogance and exclusive, sometimes; generous, radicalized...
And here comes Aeneas, running through the streets of our city, lost, but ambitious; naive, but shaken by life; fearful, but full of desire; already a man, but without a future, with one eye on hope and the other on the insurmountable past.
Aeneas is not going to stop and is ready to leave everything behind: his house, the sea, the
love, friends, everything. "Is this being a hero?" he wonders.
“Fata viam invenient / Fates find their way.” Virgil answers him 22 centuries ago.
The XII songs of La Aeneida are here a playlist full of great songs: music for a beating, sensual rhythms, sad songs, karaoke... Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to know who we are and why we are here.
do you dance?
Price Circus Theater
April 2021
A production in collaboration with Teatro Circo Price / Madrid Destino
Duration: 1h 30 min
Language: Spanish
Recommended from 12 years

The company of Aeneid

Paco Gámez, based on Virgilio
Jose Luis Arellano Garcia
Scenery and costumes
Sylvia de Marta
Juanjo Llorens
Musical direction and arrangements
Alberto Granados
Andoni Larrabeiti
assistant director
Paco Gamez
Sound design
Felix Botana
Sarah Alvarez
Jose Cobertera - Palante
Jota Haya - Achaemenides/Silvia
Maria Heredia - Creusa/Dido
Samy Khalil - Aeneas
Ana Jara - Ana/Lavinia
Marta Velilla - Acates/Andromache
Monika Budzinska - Trapeze
Cira Cabasés - Vertical/Scale
Juan de las Casas - Acrobatics/Scale
Sirio Fernández - Juggling (Turn)
Amaya Frías - Vertical/Acrodanza
Julia Cano - Dancer
Raul Pulido - Dancer
Amara Ríos - Violin / Voice
Alberto Granados - Keyboards / Vocals
Jorge Henríquez - Percussion / Vocals
Javier Lison - Guitar
Emma Weil - Guitar/Backing Vocals
Vicente Perez - Bass
movement helper
Raul Pulido
production management
Olga Reguilon Aguado
Technical direction
Dove Cavilla
Daniel Villar
Christina Eleftheriadou
Paula del Fresno
Stage and costume assistants
Grace Hill
lighting helpers
Rodrigo Ortega
Nacho Medina
Assistant and sound technician
David Gonzalez Alba
Characterization Helpers
Pigeon Rodrigo
Minerva Gil Castellanos
Production Assistant
Pigeon Rodrigo
Pilar Bouthelier (internship)
Public management and administration
Philip's Dew
Ilde Sandrin
Maria Diaz
Pedro Sanchez
Laura Ginestar
Laura Forero (internship)
Graphic design
William Vazquez
Historical-Literary Advisor
Oliver Baldwin
Circus Advisor
Javier Jimenez
movement adviser
Eve Sanchez
music consultant
David R. Peralto
Carampa Circus School
Creative Music School
Superior Conservatory of Dance María de Ávila